Rose Bouquet
Half dozen or full dozen premium Ecuadorian bouquet of roses in your choice of color with greenery, water, filler and vase included.
A $3 flower delivery fee is included in each arrangement price.
Rose Bouquets (Half & Full Dozen)
Color, container style and flower varieties may vary depending on season and availability. Size and fullness vary based on price point. All photos presented above are general examples.
*Orders for Sunday Delivery must be placed by 1 pm on the day before. All other orders, delivery times are 10AM or 3PM*
A $3 flower delivery fee is included in each arrangement price.
Same day deliveries must be submitted before 11 am and are subject to availability. Please allow up to 4 hours for an order to be processed and delivered.
For immediate or specialty orders, please call our TI Gift Shop at (702) 894-7762.
Order delivery dates/times are subject to confirmation of order received and availability of product.